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Til Death: Reanimated
Land of Ruin and Extinction / the-cave-above-a-sinkhole
You are sitting in your cave, it's not really a cave, it's moreso a home. You stare at your computer screen, you've already chucked your headset at the wall after seeing the utter bullshit that human caused. It pissed you off to a level you can't even recognize. You have been staring at your screen for 13 minutes straight watching that pathetic human contemplate life.
1:14 AM
you spin around in your chair, and but ponder a single question.
WHAT IS YOUR NAME? (suggestions!!)
SPOOKY CROW 11/2/2022 8:58 AM
Rhys 。.゚+ 11/2/2022 8:58 AM
(crow it can be more alien like..)
8:58 AM
(if you feel like it !
DreamilyDrifting 11/2/2022 8:59 AM
> Keysei Kakzash
SPOOKY CROW 11/2/2022 8:59 AM
8:59 AM
DreamilyDrifting 11/2/2022 8:59 AM
(pronounced Kai-say)
you look at the box floating above your head.
It writes our poopy sniffer.
DreamilyDrifting 11/2/2022 9:00 AM
> Ignore it. What you sniff is none of its business!
9:01 AM
> Not that you sniff excrement. No, you definitely do not do that.
9:01 AM
> Definitely.
you cut the text box in half with your scythe. You don't have time to joke around like this
9:01 AM
you write down KEYSEI KAKZASH.
DreamilyDrifting 11/2/2022 9:02 AM
Keysei Kakzash BOT 11/2/2022 9:07 AM
your name is Keysei Kakzash, and you are 19 years old. You are the last being on your planet after those slugs took over, and colonized your planet.
You have a pure, neverending hatred for slugs. They are lazy, idiots. On better notes, you love being an asshole, and you love killing your prey. Since SBURB was never released to everyone in your world, you got to survive an Armageddon of meteors. You've been hiding out, but this time, this time it's time to get what you want.
9:09 AM
your "cave", moreso your room, is full of stuff like a LEAF BED, CUCUMBER AND TOMATO PLANTS, and a ton of games and books.
9:09 AM
what should you do while the game is loading?
Rhys 。.゚+ 11/2/2022 9:11 AM
( @DreamilyDrifting uwu..
DreamilyDrifting 11/2/2022 9:13 AM
> YouTube Yownloader
Keysei Kakzash BOT 11/2/2022 9:14 AM
what's a YouTube YOWNLOADER!!! But you do go onto YouTube, and watch some silly water bear videos
9:14 AM
your game has finally, FINALLY loaded
9:14 AM
you take a deep breath, you can joke around later
Keysei Kakzash BOT 11/2/2022 9:22 AM
you start to place the totem lathe, punch designix, alchemiter, and your punched card in your room
9:25 AM
you place the Cruxtruder, and hop out of your chair
9:27 AM
you look in the corner of your room, you have a SLITHER WORM in it's cage.
9:27 AM
you know what to exactly prototype
9:31 AM
you turn the wheel and start the countdown
9:31 AM
you have three minutes on the timer
9:32 AM
you grab the SLTIHER WORM from it's cage and chuck it inside the kernelsprite!!!
@Rhys 。.゚+ 🎲 accuracy: 1d20 (20) Total: 20
Keysei Kakzash BOT 11/2/2022 9:33 AM
it shoots right in, you've prototyped your kernel. Perfect!
9:34 AM
you grab a CRUXITE from the CRUXTRUDER
9:34 AM
you grab the card and run to the other side of the room to the totem lathe
@Rhys 。.゚+ 🎲 Result: 1d20 (8) Total: 8
Keysei Kakzash BOT 11/2/2022 9:35 AM
you slip from your epic speeds, and drop the card and cruxite
9:36 AM
you struggle to get back up. 2 minutes left
@Rhys 。.゚+ 🎲 Result: 1d20 (12) Total: 12
Keysei Kakzash BOT 11/2/2022 9:38 AM
you get back up but at a frankly slow rate. Not much time to fuck around
9:39 AM
you put the CRUXITE and PUNCHED CARD into the totem lathe, then run over to the ALCHEMITER to enter
9:39 AM
it alchemizes your entry task.. to chop down these foes..
9:39 AM
you grab your scythe and get ready to strife
9:40 AM
60... 59... 58...
@Rhys 。.゚+ 🎲 Result: 5d20 (18, 12, 6, 17, 4) Total: 57
Keysei Kakzash BOT 11/2/2022 9:40 AM
you swing five times at the five shiny enemies, two left.
9:41 AM
30... 29... 28...
@Rhys 。.゚+ 🎲 Result: 2d20 (14, 18) Total: 32
Keysei Kakzash BOT 11/2/2022 9:41 AM
you enter with 10 seconds left on the clock.
Keysei Kakzash BOT 11/2/2022 9:49 AM
you lay back down on your LEAF BED. It's comfy, but you can rest for a minute
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